Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Appalled and Affronted: "Bon Bons For A Sham Retirement"

A True and Faithful Account of the Judicial Perversions and Stupefying Misconduct of President Judge, N. Philander Bilkson READ IT AN WEEP WITH LAUGHTER AT Jeepers! Somebody stole my idea! Should I sue? But wait! There is no court open to me in Philander's Kangaroo Court of Common Sleeze! What a conundrum! But I thought that Article I, Section 11 of Pennsyltucky's Constitution requires that the courts be open to ALL citizens. Not to worry, Soddsbugger will soon be on the job, and we all know what he thinks about Dead White Men! ;) Disclaimer: Any resemblance in the following chapters to real persons, living or dead, is, of course, unintended and quite coincidental. However, if the shoe—or in this case, robe—fits, well…LOL